This thread seems to explain what's going on. Oh well, I'll just play the game and enjoy it until someone fixes it. I tried Inspector MSAA 2x & 4x, no perceivable difference. In The Phantom Pain, players take the role of alleged Big Boss, under the nickname Punished 'Venom' Snake, in an open world environment. I tried 4k and 1440 DSR, I tried SweetFX MSAA, no perceivable difference regarding jaggy hair. The METAL GEAR SOLID V experience is Creator and Director Hideo Kojimas first time incorporating open world gameplay to the groundbreaking METAL GEAR franchise. It is an open world action-adventure stealth video game the follows directly its prequel Ground Zeroes. We also have other visual assets: 3 covers, 1 wallpaper. The first 9 are from the cutscene of Quiet entering Mother Base and getting imprisoned, the rest from the African jungle gameplay. The Phantom Pain is the latest installment in the long-running Metal Gear series. There are 221 screenshots from the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain available on this page. Konami has released 30 new screens for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I'm going to try DSR, Sweet FX, or maybe forced MSAA etc. Thirty new Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain screenshots show Quiet and African jungle - Metal Gear Informer.

maybe the fxaa algo they use is texture-res dependent, making it far less visible on the higher resolution textures used on characters?

high res textures with transparency still have huge aliasing issues, strangely even on native, low res textures like world flora seem to have decent shader-driven AA in play. hair textures are still terrible, horse/facial hair is a pixelated mess.