These apps also help you make hidden folders and files visible using clicking or shortcuts buttons. These apps work smoothly like native macOS apps and function as Finder extensions. To find the right path of a file in Mac, you can take the help of apps like Forklift and DCommander. See hidden files on Mac with file managers If you are willing to hide all those files again, you can change the true to false.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true killall Finder You have to enter the following – defaults write com.If you are aware of using Terminal, then you need to follow the given steps to reveal your hidden files
However, the complex series of instructions will take more time, and you would waste your precious time later on for sure. The terminal commands are included in macOS by default, and you can take the help of command prompts to control your Mac rather than going for the complex series of instructions. See hidden files on Mac with Terminal commands